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Biden Says Russias Vladimir Putin

PUTINS KRIEG: Tobt bald Trump? Showdown bei Waffenruhe? USA starten Dialog mit Russland

Upload : 13 hours ago...

2025-03-24 04:55 124,178 Youtube

PUTINS KRIEG: Unerwartete Bewegung - China als Friedensstifter im Ukraine-Konflikt?

Upload : 2 days ago...

2025-03-23 01:08 243,806 Youtube

Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump

Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump Russian President Vladimir Putin expresses a preference for Joe Biden to win a second term, citing his experience and p...

2024-02-15 00:34 663 Dailymotion

US Vice President Joe Biden says Russian President Vladimir Putin has " simple stark choice".

An end to the ten month conflict in Ukraine was the dominant theme at the second day of the Munich Security Conference. Reports of intensified shelling by separ...

2015-02-07 01:48 40 Dailymotion

Russian President Vladimir Putin says the West 'lied'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed the West "lied" about peace and provoked Moscow, after the US and other countries provided military and financial a...

2023-01-02 01:03 1 Dailymotion

Russia inauguration: What did Vladimir Putin say

President Putin took the oath of office on Monday. Here is a full transcript of what he said at his inauguration....

2018-05-08 02:55 3 Dailymotion